Parliament has re-opened thePrevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill(“the Bill”) for public comment untilFriday,1 October 2021.The decision to re-open the Bill follows on from the Constitutional Court’s recent decision and definition of hate speech (in theQwelane matter).Criminalisation of expression:The Bill – for the first time in SA’s history – criminalises certain forms of expression.It defines “hate speech” wider than the Constitutional Court, and makes “hate speech” acriminal offence(Clause 4(1)). The offence will make any speech (as well as the distribution of such speech) that could be construed to be “harmful” on a wide range of grounds, a criminal act carrying up to a3-year jail sentence.Religious Freedom Concerns:The hate speech definition and criminalisation will potentially have dire repercussions on freedom of (religious) expression.Note: While we are encouraged by the inclusion of a “religious exemption clause” (in clause 4(2)(d)) in the Bill, as advocated for byFOR SA, and the many religious organisations and groups who previously made submissions on the Bill), it may not offer sufficient protection. Concerns, therefore, remain regarding the criminalisation of free expression.TAKE ACTION!Even if you have previously submitted comments on the Bill,please make a submission again.Download the template submission for either organisations or individuals, to use “as is” or adapt, and send it to Parliament ( no later than Friday, 1 October 2021:*Individual submission*Organisation submissionAlternatively, you can make anindividual submissiondirectly via the DearSA online platform –Click here.Please considersupportingFOR SAfinancially as we are 100% dependent upon donations.Your gift will help us continue to protect and promote your constitutional rights to teach, preach, and live out your faith.We look forward to continuing to partner with you in this cause!Warm regards,Michael SwainExecutive Director, FOR SA*To be compliant with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA),FOR SA has recently updated our Privacy Policy. POPIA pertains to the protection of your personal information, and indicates how this information may be collected, used and shared.FOR SA is only permitted to collect and use your information for a specific purpose, if obtained from you, for the reason of communicating with you regarding alerts about religious freedom issues and FOR SA newsletters which you signed up for. The details surrounding these particulars are outlined further in our Privacy Policy, published on our website.No action is needed, except if you wish to opt out from further communication, or be removed from our database, then please contact us in writing at (for the attention of the Information Officer), and we will attend to your query.
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