PRESS RELEASE 8 February 2022 For immediate distribution BELOFTEBOS SEEKS AMICABLE RESOLUTION OF SAME-SEX MARRIAGE CASEThe owners of Beloftebos, the wedding venue which was taken to Court by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) after they declined to host and organise the celebration of a same-sex marriage, have written to the SAHRC in an attempt to amicably resolve this matter, which has been ongoing for over two years. This follows a face-to-face meeting between the owners and representatives from the SAHRC last year to try and understand one another’s position.In their proposal to the SAHRC, the owners of Beloftebos:
“We live in a society where our Constitution encourages us to be united in our diversity”, said Michael Swain, Executive Director of Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA). “The owners of Beloftebos have stated clearly and consistently that the issue has always been about their sincere and deeply held convictions on the sacrament of marriage. It has never been about the sexual orientation of any person and they have at every opportunity made it crystal clear that they fully respect and recognise the constitutional rights of the LGBTIQ+ community.”In their letter to the SAHRC, the owners of Beloftebos also noted that, flowing from a number of years of on-going prayer and reflection, combined with the COVID-19 lockdown measures which have made weddings rare and very difficult to host, they have decided that it is time for a new season for them and for their farm. As such, Beloftebos will no longer be available as a wedding venue to the general public, and the link on their website with reference to weddings has been removed.ENDS*Note:Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) is a legal advocacy group mandated to protect and promote the constitutional rights of all South Africans, regardless of their specific religious or ideological beliefs.FOR SA is therefore ideologically neutral and non-partisan in terms of any interpretation of doctrine, faith or belief to the extent that it complies with the rule of law.For more information, contact:Michael SwainExecutive Director, FOR SAEmail: 072 270 1217
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