Dear Friend,We are facing a severe threat to our religious freedom – and to the future of our democracy – in the form of the National Health Act’s Draft Regulations, which are open for comment only until Friday, 15 April 2022.Click here to send in your submission and make your voice heard!As you are aware, for the past TWO years we have lived under a State of National Disaster, where most of our fundamental human rights have been severely (and in some cases completely) limited. We have been ruled by Government Regulations, with virtually no effective oversight by Parliament or the courts.There is a pattern of unfair discrimination against the religious communityDuring this time, it is evident that there has been a consistent pattern of unfair discrimination against the religious community:
There is no valid rationale for removing our Constitutional rights With the appearance of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, the Government can no longer argue that they require these extensive executive powers to save lives.According to Prof Shabir Madhi, professor of vaccinology at the University of the Witwatersrand, “Government’s target of 70% of the population being vaccinated is now irrelevant, as between 80% and 85% of the population have boosted immunity against the virus, either from previous infection, the vaccine, or a combination of both.” Globally, countries are rolling back their COVID-19 regulations, no longer limiting numbers at gatherings or requiring mask wearing, because they recognize that these measures have been ineffective and the collateral damage of continuing them is too high.Again – and in the words of Prof Mahdi - “We see no reason for the continued use of this legislation, nor for the National Coronavirus Command Council.”Government is NOW seeking to expand its ruleGovernment proposes exiting the State of NationalDisaster but intends keeping (and even expanding its powers) in terms of Regulations made under the National Health Act on the pretext of continuing to manage the COVID-19 pandemic.These Draft Health Regulations – which are open for comment only until Friday, 15 April 2022 – require no Parliamentary oversight, do not require the Minister to give reasons for any decisions, and effectively grant Government the same extraordinary executive powers they have had under the State of National Disaster - INDEFINITELY.Unless we ALL speak up and make our opposition heard, this will shortly become the “new normal”.Click here to send in your submission and make your voice heard!Here are some of the “lowlights”:
CALL TO ACTIONIt is vital that you act NOW to make your voice heard and to push back against these draconian Regulations, which will centralise and confirm power in the hands of an unaccountable political elite. As an individual, you can either go to DearSA to comment on the Regulations, or download this template submission for individuals and email it to As a religious organisation, you can download this template submission for organisations to be emailed to deadline for comments is Friday, 15 April 2022.
Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) is dedicated to protecting and preserving the freedoms and rights that the South African Constitution has granted to the faith community. If you have found this helpful, please consider supporting the work of FOR SA to protect our constitutional right to enjoy the freedom of religion by:
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FOR SA currently has a support base of religious leaders and individuals representing +/- 6 million people across a broad spectrum of churches, organisations, denominations and faith groups in South Africa.
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