Dear Friend,On behalf of theFOR SAteam, I want to thank you for your prayers and support for our Court case against Government, challenging the complete ban on religious gatherings (earlier this year) when other gatherings at casinos, cinemas, restaurants etc. were allowed to continue.We are tired after three intense days in court. However, we are satisfied that we (and the amazing legal team representing us) could not have presented our case better on behalf of the millions of people in SA who believe that the opportunity to gather together to worship is an essential part of their faith.Watch this videoto see Adv Adrian Botha SC presentFOR SA’s arguments to the Johannesburg High Court on why the complete ban on religious gatherings was unconstitutional, and unfairly discriminated against the religious community. Watch our reply (presented by Adv Richard Crompton, and Adv Reg Willis) to the State’s argumentshere.
Photo above is of the FOR SA team and the incredible team of external lawyers who dedicated enormous amounts of time and high-level expertise to this case. From top left to right: Adv Nadene Badenhorst, Daniela Ellerbeck, Adv Ntombi Mncube, Michael Swain, Adv Richard Crompton, Adv Adrian Botha SC, Madelein Botha (attorney), and Adv Reg Willis.
It is hard to say how the Judge will find. Please keep praying for him to have a clear, unbiased mind and an understanding of the issues -particularly the importance of faith - as he prepares his judgment. We do not know how long it will take before this judgment is released, but the Judge assured us that he would attend to this as soon as possible.FOR SA deeply appreciates all your prayers and support in this matter. Thank you for standing with us for faith and freedom! To donate towards this specific caseinto our attorney’s trust account, please use the following details:Account name: Bliden Campbell IncorporatedBank: ABSAAccount#: 4069675230Branch code: 630509Ref:FOR SAv COGTAMinisterTo donate toFOR SA’s work in general, please see regards,Michael SwainExecutive Director, FOR SA
Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA) is dedicated to protecting and preserving the freedoms and rights that the South African Constitution has granted to the faith community. If you have found this helpful, please consider supporting the work of FOR SA to protect our constitutional right to enjoy the freedom of religion by:
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FOR SA currently has a support base of religious leaders and individuals representing +/- 6 million people across a broad spectrum of churches, organisations, denominations and faith groups in South Africa.
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